Author: Steve Pincus
Healthy Women chat about Breast Health
iHeart Radio chat on Sexual Health and Sexuality
iHeart Radio chat on When to Take a Pregnancy Test
Dr. Minkin and Melanie Cole discuss timing your test(s), and associated options.
iHeart Radio chat on Perimenopause: Adult Puberty
Dr. Minkin and Melanie Cole discuss what to expect from perimenopause on Life’s Too Short
RadioMD chat `Inside Your Vagina: Staying Healthy`
Dr. Minkin and Dr. Pamela Peeke discuss how you can support your vagina’a optimal health
PBS News-Hour Discussion of female libido pill [August 2015]
Judy Woodruff interviews Dr. Minkin and Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman on the potential benefits and concerns of taking the recently-released Flibanserin.
Faith Middleton NPR Radio Interview on Women’s Health Issues. [November, 2014]
Faith Middleton NPR Radio Interview with Dr. Minkin and Amy Bloom, Lady Parts. [May, 2012]
Dr. Minkin and renowned author Amy Bloom do their best Car Talk spin on women’s health and beyond in this audio cast.
‘Listen Well’ chat — ‘Embrace the Change: Why we Need to Talk about Menopause and Mid-Life Health
Dr. Minkin and Dr. Mo Alsuwaidan, host of the prominent Listen Well podcast series, cover multiple aspects of the change and beyond in a lively discussion here.